conduction mechanism because


Most of the portable models come with a conduction mechanism because it can easily adjust inside a small space. From all portable models, pocket vape is a great option to choose. Here are some convincing reasons to prefer pocket vaporizer in priority.

Vaping pens and e-cigarettes

While talking about the most portable models of vaporizers, e-cigarettes come on the topmost position followed by vaping pens. Both of these devices are stealthy, easy to carry and helps in vaping any time. Even one can carry them in the locations where smoking is prohibited because of the elusive design.

Pocket vaporizers

A portable vaporizer is a little bit bigger than pens and e-cigarettes but much smaller than desktop models. Despite having a bigger size, they are easy to carry anywhere. These vaporizers occupy the share in vaping devices market because of the following reasons.

Why a pocket vaporizer is better than e-cigarette and vaping pen?

1) Large tank capacity for CBD, THC or bud

The best thing about a pocket vaporizer is its large tank capacity that allows the user to store the ingredients for the entire week. A cartridge of CBD or THC may last for a week that you will never get in a vaping pen or e-cigarette. They hardly server the purpose of a single day. Even most of them are disposable after single use.

2) Long battery life

Just because of the long battery life, a pocket vaporizer can easily survive for a two or three days trip. Also, most of them are rechargeable with a simple power bank that you carry for Smartphone charging. On the other hand, the small batteries of portable models have a very short life.


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